Who knew it would be such a thrill to watch a baby grow. You know, that jolt of excitement that comes when your baby learns something new. It's laughable how such a small thing, like grasping at a rattle can bring congratulatory cheers from proud parents. I took Developmental Psych in college, but nothing prepared me for how fun change can be! I love my little girl and look forward to each day and what new thing she may do, or new sound she might make.
Today we celebrate 3 months outside the womb. I can't believe it! When I was pregnant I dreaded this milestone because I knew the date to start back at work would be looming close. We, however, have decided that the best thing for Eliana is for me to stay at home with her! I'm so glad Jeremy is supportive of this and willing to work the extra hours to make it happen. He's such a wonderful husband! I dreamed, since high school, of being a stay at home mom, never really believing it would happen.
We've crunched the numbers and know this will be difficult, but the benefits outweigh the sacrifices. We are switching to cloth diapers, cutting back on entertainment and strategizing on ways to cut back on other costs. I'm thinking about planting a garden! We are trusting God for the rest.
Two nights ago we woke up to our heater emitting a bad odor and smelled our doom. A new unit would cost us thousands we don't have. A man from our church came out and spent most the day up on our roof fixing what he could (we are so blessed to have a wonderful church family). It did cost us some, but nothing to what it could have. He says we have maybe a year left before we have to buy a new air conditioner/heater (so we have a little time to plan.) We were anxious over the cost of the repairs, but as Jeremy worked on our taxes he realized we would be getting back more than we thought. Praise God for providing.
As Eliana grows, we grow too. Not just as parents, but as children of God, learning to trust in His care and provision. I'm excited to see what the future holds!
That's great! As far as cutting costs. I have started couponing. In the last 3 months I have saved over $200. A couple of sights to check out, thekrazycouponlady.com and southernsavers.com. You may already do this, but it really helped us. Now I enjoy it as a hobby. It is fun to track down the items I can get for free or really cheap.