My pregnancy catastrophe; I am calling it the sneeze n’ pee. I didn’t think these sort of things happened until later, but I guess I was wrong. Who thought that once you were pregnant you would have to be stocked up on panty-liners. I think I will start carrying a little emergency pack in my purse.
Tuesday marked 16 weeks and I’m pretty sure I felt some movement. I know it wasn’t gas or a muscle twitch; although it didn’t feel like I’ve heard it described, fluttering. I can only describe it as a bahbloop feeling, kind of like a frog jumping off the inside of my stomach. I was lying on the couch, praying that God would relieve my terrible headache and there it was; the bahbloop. I texted Jeremy right away, I was so excited! Jeremy now calls Rosetta his little bahbloop, how cute!
I’ve read that the best position to sleep is on your side, especially the left side (it helps blood flow). No problem! I’ve been a side sleeper for a long time; that is, until recently. Sleeping on your back can restrict blood flow throughout your body and blood getting to the baby, so it’s important to avoid lying on your back. I’ve never been a back sleeper; it’s always been uncomfortable, causing my tongue to fall back in my throat and me to snore. Guess who now thinks back sleeping is the most comfortable position. You guessed it. Me. It’s like how that piece of candy you’re not supposed to have looks so delicious. Because I’m not supposed to sleep on my back, it’s the most appealing position for nighttime snoozing. I’m going to get a body pillow. Rumor has it a body pillow makes sleeping on your side much more comfortable.
Rosetta is now the size of an avocado! An avocado! She’s getting big. My belly is definitely sticking out more (thank you cousin Stephanie for loaning me your maternity clothes) and I’ve been “faithfully” gaining about a pound a week. This is getting more and more exciting. I’m glad I’m showing a bit now. We are meeting up with my parents and sister, and her husband, for vacation in June and it’ll be fun to have a little belly. Sometimes I just feel fat, but Jeremy is consistent in telling me I look beautiful. He loves to give me a hug and say he’s giving his two best girls a hug. Who ever thought Jeremy could be such a softie! I can’t wait to see what he’s like once Rosetta is here.
Our next OB appointment is June 5. At that point I think I will be scheduling my 18-20 week ultra sound. I’m looking forward to seeing how much Rosetta has grown and changed. I’ve read about all the changes she’s going through, beginning to make facial expressions, growing hair and nails, her bones are hardening too. It’s amazing how quickly she’s grown from a tiny 6 cell embryo.