Technically it's the second (we have a picture of the embryo) but we don't know which embryo is the actual one that implanted. So here is the first official picture of baby CJ. You can say it, he/she looks like a blob, hehehe. It was the most amazing thing to see that tiny heart beating away, so fast. It's almost incomprehensible to think there is another heart beating inside my body, besides my own. Let me just say, growing a baby is tiring work. I just want to sleep and when I'm awake I don't have energy to do much. I'm not complaining though, it's a good excuse to justify a nap. :)
I still have "all day" sickness. No throwing up, thankfully. It's such an anomaly for me to know I need to eat but not want to. Chewing gum is working well today at keeping my stomach settled, otherwise sucking on hard candy works too. If I can get at least 10 hours of sleep at night, I tend to feel less sick during the day.
We are thrilled to say the least; but we both will be glad to put this first trimester behind us and with it the higher risk of miscarriage. Our days and nights are filled with prayers, hopes and dreams as we excitedly imagine what are child will be like.