Somewhat disappointing news today, of our 8 embryos, only 2 made it to the blastocyst stage. The other 6 stopped dividing. My heart broke a little, thinking of the little Kirkhams that will never be. However, I had been praying that God would be in control of the whole situation; we were a bit worried when we had 10 embryos. God gave me a peace about that; I know He's got it all worked out. That being said, we are especially hoping that both these embryos implant for twins. :)
I barely made it through my 3 days of bed rest. It was almost more than I could stand to sit back and let Jeremy be in charge. :) He did a great job keeping me off my feet, and getting me anything I needed. I'm so blessed to have him. He even took off half a day on Monday, because he was worried I would try to do too much. (I felt fine so I probably would have, the dishes were piling up.)
The progesterone meds I've been taking have been affecting me more than any of the other meds. For those that know me best, they may have picked up on the fact that I do not accept criticism very well (to say the least). Ask my mom, or better yet, any of my old piano teachers. I can get pretty spiteful. I got some constructive criticism today at work and it was almost more than I could handle. I wanted to cry out of frustration and quit right then. :) I kept my head (barely) and didn't quit. Last night I was in tears over one of the stories they were sharing about a possible Olympian. Oh well, it'll probably get worse.
Another day down; another day closer to March 4. It's going to be a long week!