Emotional break down number 1: I knocked over my glass (it was sitting on the floor) of Sprite Zero, the glass broke and my soda spilled all over the floor. I started to cry; I felt foolish and like a child, but I couldn’t help it. I don’t think my tears were completely unreasonable, however, because not an hour earlier the dogs knocked over my first glass of Sprite. I had already cleaned the floor once of the sticky mess; two times was just too much. There you have it, first break down on stimulation day 4, not so bad.
I began my second shot today. This one was a little scarier because it’s an actual syringe; it hurt a little more. I don’t know if this hormone will make me loopier or not, I’ll let you know. :)
My doctor's appointment went well this morning. I had some blood drawn and another ultra sound. My follicles look like they should, some are larger than others, but she said that was normal. I asked for an estimated day for the egg retrieval, and while it’s still too early to know for sure, she said Tuesday or Wednesday. I go again on Friday and we should get a better idea of a date. Three days after they retrieve the eggs and fertilize them they will transfer two embryos. That means probably by next Friday or Saturday!
Because my ovaries are going to get bigger as my follicles mature I’m not supposed to run. (Woah! Just had a weird dizzy spell, must be from the new medicine) Part of me is excited at these instructions to not exercise, while another part (albeit a small part) is disappointed because I’ve been trying to get back into running. My ovaries will be so large, extreme exercise could cause pain and the possibility of them getting twisted. (So there you go Julianne, doctor’s orders not to run. )
I made chocolate chip cookies the other night and ceremoniously ate some dough. Since I made a double batch it will be the last time I eat raw cookie dough until baby(ies) Kirkham arrives. Raw eggs are bad, you see, especially for pregnant women. Sigh. I guess it’s all for a good cause.