Thursday, March 4, 2010

Worth the Buck

Yesterday: “Jeremy, please ease off the breaks more gently (in traffic), it’s making me sick.” Hmmm, maybe it’s a sign? “Man, I feel really dizzy.” Could it be? Jeremy came to bed around 1:30 am; it woke me up. He tossed and turned a bit to get comfortable. Let me just say, every time he moved I felt so sick. He’s settle in and I’d start to feel better, and then he’d move again. I was sure I would throw up any second. “Come on Jeremy, stop moving!” It was the first time in my life I had an inkling of happiness over feeling sick to my stomach (my greatest fear is throwing up.)

You know that sick feeling you get when you’re really nervous before a test, or when you wake up early after not getting enough sleep? That’s what I’ve been feeling all day; waiting for the fateful call. I could hardly eat or focus on anything. I asked Jeremy if he was nervous, but he said he just wasn’t thinking about it. What?! How could he just not think about it? That’s ALL I could think about. The nurse asked who they should call with the results and I said Jeremy. I was still determined to not get the results until after I got off work at 4:30pm. She told me the results would be in at 1:30pm and I figured it wouldn’t be such a long wait, from 1:30 to 4:30. Ha! How wrong I was. As 1:00 pm hit I was looking at the clock every 2 minutes. I texted Jeremy “Did they call yet?” “No, not yet.” I was in conversation with a co worker when I felt my phone vibrate at about 1:30pm. Oh my, I knew it was Jeremy. Did I want to know then? After no response from me he called and asked if I wanted to know the results. My response “Do I want to know?” He laughed; I knew that was a good sign so I said I did. For those whose phone numbers I don’t have (for the mass text I sent out) here are the results of our blood test today. (Like how I made you wait until the end of the paragraph? I’m sure you figured it out by now.) The test came back positive! My HCG level was at 226. The IVF coordinator told Jeremy they like to see it at 100, so my number was great! It sill wasn’t high enough for them to know for sure if we’re having twins; so we will have to wait until we go in for the ultra sound in a couple weeks. We are elated! I can’t wait to get home to celebrate!

I do have a confession; I took a home pregnancy test Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. Peer pressure won over (you know who you are) and I went to the Dollar Tree to pick up a couple cheap tests (I didn’t want to spend $15 only to get a negative). Jeremy urged me to take one Tuesday night, even though I told him it would probably be negative (it’s best to take the HPT in the morning). I didn’t pay attention, but as he watched, “I think there’s a little something trying to come through.” “Whatever Jeremy, it’s probably just an evaporation line.” I looked. Nope, it was definitely a pink line. Well, it’s just a cheap test, could be a false positive. I took the second one Wednesday morning and there they were again, those two little pink lines, this time darker. Could this be it! I’d never seen those two lines side by side before. We decided we wouldn’t get our hopes up until the official blood test today. We did tell our parents, however, both sets were skeptical and refused to get too excited until we got the official results (We told our siblings too). I Guess HPT’s from the Dollar Tree are worth the buck!

The most important thing is we want to give all the glory to God for this miracle! He has gifted doctors so they could help us. I am sure without all of your prayers this wouldn't be happening. We have felt so loved and supported. I had few side effects from the meds and I'm certain the prayers helped.

I would like to continue this blog to record our journey through pregnancy. So if you'd like to, we'd love you to stick around. :)