(The above picture is profile of Rosetta at 18 weeks)
I just looked at my last post and realized it’s been a month and a half since an update! So much has happened. We’ve had two OB visits, everything is fine. My doctor has commented on my weight gain, but not negatively, just that I’m gaining. He says I’m boring, because everything is going like it should. Needless to say, I’m glad I’m a boring patient. I am now 22 weeks and 2 days, so over half way! I can’t believe how fast, and yet how slow, it’s going. I wrote last time about feeling Rosetta move; the movements have been getting stronger and sometimes a bit painful. She’ll occasionally hit my bladder and that brings a sharp pain. Jeremy had been anticipating when he would feel the baby move and at week 21 he felt her move. I spent the evening asking, “There, did you feel her?” to which he responded, “no.” I was disappointed for him and kept saying little prayers that Rosetta would kick hard enough for him to feel. A little while later I felt her kick as well as saw my stomach move; I called Jeremy over and placed his had on the spot. Sure enough, he felt her move! I love the little bahbloops. I can tell she has a sleeping pattern going on. There are certain times of the day where she is active and other times I feel nothing.
My weekly e-mail updates from The Bump state that during this month of pregnancy, which I think is 6th month; our baby is about the size of a papaya and weighing in around a pound. She’s growing and so am I. I was so proud of myself on my weight gain, at week 20 I had gained 13 pounds which seemed good at the half way point. Then I weighed myself this week and I had gained 4 pounds in one week! Yikes! We ate out a lot which could account for some of it. Mom thinks it might be water weight from eating out and getting extra sodium. I’m being extra careful this week, lots of fruit, low fat dairy and lean meat.
I haven’t had any strange cravings, and thankfully none for chocolate or sweets. My gag reflex is still very sensitive and this week for some reason I’ve had some nausea again. It feels different than before; it will come on suddenly and then be gone a few moments later. On the whole though, I feel really good. When my back aches or my heartburn acts up I remind myself how blessed I am and that its worth it!