"Well, it looks like you are about ready;" my stomach dropped and my heart seemed to stop beating. That was yesterday. Today I feel like I'm living someone else's life. I can't believe I followed through with all the appointments and shots. This is something you hear other people going through, not something you go through.
The egg retrieval is tomorrow (Wednesday); I go in at 6:45 am, put under general anesthesia and using ultrasounds, a catheter and who knows what else, to have all mature eggs taken out. They want the follicles to measure 20 mm. I had one 20mm, one 19.5 mm and a couple measuring 18 mm yesterday. I don't remember the other numbers but we're hoping by tomorrow there will be at least 10 mature follicles (we want extra embryos to freeze for use later). I'm ready for these eggs to be out, my ovaries feel huge and hurt. It's uncomfortable to sit, to get up from sitting, to stand, to walk; I'm sure it looks humorous to watch me try to go about my day. I gave myself the last stimulation shot (Follistim) and ovulation preventative shot (Ganarelix) yesterday morning. Last night, at 8:00 pm, I had my trigger shot. Mom was in town so she helped coach Jeremy through giving it to me. I could have given it to myself but it was good practice, he has to give me my progesterone shot after the embryo transfer. He did great, it took a few seconds for him to push the needle through the skin, but luckily the needle was short so it didn't hurt. :)
The embryo transfer will be Saturday. After the transfer I'm to be on bed rest for two days, so I will have to take next Monday off. Two weeks from the egg retrieval I go in for a blood test to verify pregnancy. Jeremy put it best, "I guess we won't be sleeping for two weeks."
I'm so thankful that I had minimal reactions to the medicines, so far. My stomach is bruised and covered in little red dots, but other than that, the medicines hardly affected me.
Mom looked on her calendar to see what the due date for the baby(ies) would be if this works, November 11th is her estimate. I think she's hoping it will be on the 15th for her birthday. :)
We say "if" it works, because it's possible it won't. I can't bare to think about what it will be like if an egg doesn't attach. I've never hoped for something more.