I was caught off guard by a terrible cold, sorry for the delay in this post. We had our appointment last Thursday, and everything looks perfect! I got the results back Monday, on a blood test and everything came back negative for birth defects. Our next appointment with our OB is this Friday. I think it's just a regular check up, to make sure everything is progressing like it should. I'm feeling much better and am so proud of myself, I planned this week's menu and have been able to do some cooking. I'm sure Jeremy is silently celebrating, although he never complained at the lack of home cooked meals.
Oh, we are having a girl! I think most readers are on facebook and saw the announcement there. We are naming her Rosetta; we haven't decided on a middle name yet. I decided way back before college (and before I met Jeremy) that if I ever had a girl I would name her Rosetta. It was my great grandmother's name and I've always liked it. Luckily Jeremy likes it too; his grandmother's name was Rosalie and my sister-in-law's middle name is Rose. There is a possibility of error (although they are 99% sure she's a girl), since I'm only 13 weeks, needless to say we won't be purchasing any pink or purple until Rosetta is confirmed a girl at 20 weeks. I was worried I'd feel disappointed if we were having a girl first, instead of a boy; but I don't think it's possible to feel anything buy joy when you see your tiny baby. Jeremy and I talked about it afterwards, both of us are overjoyed about having a girl. There's no way even an inkling of disappointment could creep in. When the baby is part of you...sigh. I can't even explain it. We are excited! Jeremy is already imagining how he can torture the boys our daughter will bring home.
It's sure nice to be able to call our baby by name.:)
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