All sorts of plans are forming in my head. What colors should we paint the nursery for a boy or girl; what decorations, how to get the best deals on furniture and other baby necessities, etc. My most recent idea for decorating is Teddy Bears, for a while I wanted a Peter Rabbit theme (Beatrix Potter) but I think I like the teddy bear idea better. I ordered the cutest bear yesterday, the first thing I’ve bought for the baby. It’s a bear designed by the artist by Jim Shore, with Noah Ark on the belly. Amazon said it was the last one they had so of course I had to order it right away!
We decided on names for a boy or girl before we even became pregnant, Samuel or Rosetta but middle names are still up in the air.
We had our first OB appointment this past Friday. The doctor was recommended by a friend from church and we really liked him. He’s funny and creates a relaxing environment. A few things I liked,the doctors at the practice don’t share patients, which means my OB, Dr. Newman, will most likely be delivering my baby; he does 95% of his patients’ deliveries. Dr. Newman also made it clear he doesn’t do terminations; I had been hoping to find a doctor who didn’t. We didn’t hear the heart beat, but we did get a new ultra sound picture. Oh! We also got to see baby CJ move! It was incredible and made it all seem more real. Dr. Newman also informed us that because CJ is the appropriate size and has a good heartbeat, our risk of miscarriage is about %1, even though I’m still in the first trimester. You can imagine what a relief it was to hear that; I’d been counting down the weeks to the end of the first trimester (2 to go!)
I get e-mail updates every week about the baby and the new growth and development. As of yesterday I am 10 weeks. CJ’s ears are developed so he can hear my voice; he's about the size of a shrimp, or a thumb, with the head being more than half the body size. The baby is even growing finger nails; can you believe it! So small yet already getting fingernails! God’s meticulous attention to detail is astounding.
The past few days have been really good for me, my morning sickness seems to be abating (yippee!), but I am still very fatigued. I usually start falling asleep on the couch around 8:30 at night. I had been determined to enjoy ever aspect of pregnancy, but honestly, morning sickness cannot be enjoyed. Women seem to enjoy sharing their stories of morning sickness, how long it lasted, “I had morning sickness the whole pregnancy,” or “I was so sick the first 7 months.” I smile politely but think, “please don’t tell me that, I can’t imagine being sick for that long.” However, despite the ickiness, God has blessed us immensely and I try hard to not complain (too loudly) :).
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