Friday, February 19, 2010

Embryo Transfer Eve

House clean-check; groceries bought-check; dogs bathed-check; dishes washed-check; laundry clean and put away-in process. I spent my day getting done everything I needed to get done before tomorrow. We are going ahead with the embryo transfer tomorrow at 8:30 AM (MST); after it's all over I'm to be on bed rest for 3 days! I don't know what I'm going to do with all that time I need to be resting. Watch some Olympics, or maybe read a few good books.

I received the call from the doctor's office, informing us that we now have 10 embryos that are dividing instead of 9. Haha, and we thought the number would be lower. All our embryos are grade B (embryos are rated "A" best, to "D," worst), Here's the cell count in each embryo: 3 embryos at 2 cells, 2 embryos at 3 cells, 1 embryo at 4 cells and 4 embryos at 5 cells. These are all good. I'm supposing that the two embryos we transfer will be ones with more cells.

I'm not feeling as nervous about tomorrow as I felt about the egg retrieval. The retrieval was more invasive, tomorrow's procedure doesn't require anesthesia and Jeremy gets to be in there with me! Maybe I can get a few pictures of our embryos!

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