Monday, March 15, 2010

"Be patient, be patient, don't be in such a hurry..."

"Be patient, be patient, don't be in such a hurry. When you get impatient you always start to worry." Do you know that song? I think it was off the record of "Bullfrogs and Butterflies." It's my new theme song for the next few months. :D

Up until today it’s been an uneventful pregnancy. I haven’t felt any different. Oh, maybe a bit of dizziness here, or a few cramps; but not like I expected. Today, one day shy of week 6, I started to feel yucky. Nothing major, yet. It did take some effort to make myself lunch and I haven’t been snacking like I usually do; but I haven’t had to make any special trips to the restroom and for that I’m thankful.

Just like I determined not to be bridezilla during wedding planning, I’m committed to reminding myself that I am not eating for two. It’s a misconception a lot of women have when they are pregnant that they are eating for two and end up gaining too much weight (you’re eating for two when you’re breastfeeding). It’s a great reason to justify extra food, and I love food, but I won’t do it. Well, I guess we’ll see. Haha! I did research on the healthy amount of weight gain during pregnancy (about 3 pounds the first trimester), weighed myself last week and again this week and so far haven’t gained anything. Yay! I try to snack healthy; fruits, veggies, good proteins and not a lot of sweets. Pregnancy brings with it cravings for a lot of women, I hope mine isn’t chocolate.

I had thought the waiting was over after finding out we were pregnant. Alas, life brings with it a lot of waiting. Good things come to those who wait right. ;) I had to wait until 3:00 PM today to get the results of my second blood test. I wasn’t as anxious as last week; but little bits of doubt found their way into my mind. What if my hormone level hasn’t increased like it should? No need to worry. Kori (IVF coordinator) called and told me they look for the HCG level to be at least 1,000, mine was (as of last Friday) 6,798! I was shocked. I asked if because of the high number we were having twins. Kori wouldn’t give me a definitive answer; “It’s a possibility, but a lot can happen between now and when you have your ultra sound.” So the waiting continues. :) Our ultra sound is on the 26 of this month. And you know, once we see tiny 8 week old baby CJ (until we know if we’re having a girl or boy we’re calling the baby CJ, or if there’s two I guess it’ll be Baby C and Baby J), we’ll be counting down the days until the first trimester is over. Then, we’ll be waiting to find what gender we’re having. I want to enjoy the ride, so I’m taking Paul’s advice and learning to be content no matter the circumstances (or how much waiting I have to do). :)